SiDiary > SiDiary English
Upgrade installation
I just copied the latest download (VB zip) from the website into my MDA II. If I start the program I see version 3.5.190 and I think we are up to 3.6.192.
What am I doing wrong??
Hi Jeroen,
I found the showstopper... :moser:
The download location#2 did contain the update-package to version 3.5.190. :(
The full ce-setup file was clean and also all files on location #1.
But I fixed it immediately, so right now everything should be really uptodate...
(But the only difference between 3.5.190 and 3.6.192 is the Thai enabled GUI, and I'm shure that this isn't a feature you're really missing ;) )
Thanks for telling me! :super:
Bye, Alf.
Ok, thanks for telling me the difference between the versions. :ja:
As I am not really in need for a Thai translation I'll wait a bit with the next update...... :gruebeln:
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