SiDiary > SiDiary English
Postoraddial BG Calculation
What is necessary for SiDiary to calculate the postprandial BG levels? I'm a new diabetic, diagnosed about 2 months ago and have been using SiDiary for about 6 weeks. It's great software and has help me tremendously. I record all of my carbohydrate intake and check my BG before every meal as well as 2 to 3 hours after meals. However, SiDiary always says that there is insufficient data to calculate the postprandial levels. Is there some other parameter or data that must be entered?
Mark Laris
Hi Mark,
we have discussed the time range for this trend analysis in a German thread here:,1508.0.html maybe Google translations can give you an idea of the main facts...
By default SiDiary is looking for a postprandial bg level in a time range of 60 til 105 minutes after a fasting level with carb intake and insulin shots. Depending to your insulin type this range will show the highest peak after your carb intake which is a very important thing because bg levels will have influence to your a1c if they are an a level higher than 200 mg/dl for more than two hours only.
So shorter peaks are dangerous because although the A1c is not affected they are problematic i.e. for your eyes...
Cheers, Alf.
I control my diabetes with diet and pills. Is insulin data necessary for this calculation to be performed?
I translated the post that you suggested and modified the file discussed in that post but I am still getting the message that there is insufficient data for evaluation.
Mark Laris
You need to have a fasting bg level, a carb intake and a insulin shot (or pill intake). These information must be entered within one column. Then SiDiary will start searching for a PP bg level in a time range of 60 til 105 minutes...
This should work also for type2's with pills...
Cheers, Alf.
--- Zitat von: Alf am Mai 16, 2006, 07:56 ---You need to have a fasting bg level, a carb intake and a insulin shot (or pill intake). These information must be entered within one column. Then SiDiary will start searching for a PP bg level in a time range of 60 til 105 minutes...
This should work also for type2's with pills...
Cheers, Alf.
--- Ende Zitat ---
I'm completely controlling diabetes with diet and exercise. This feature, does it still depend on insulin? Can we put in a 0 in the insulin field to trick it?
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